"What can I say about a book as exciting and fresh as The Red Wolf Conspiracy? I can’t remember when I’ve been so enthralled. Maybe when I first read Philip Pullman. Wow! This was one terrific read."
No need to elaborate on the joy those remarks generated. Then came word from Calgary-based mystery writer Sharon Wildwind, who tells me that Red Wolf was cited on a panel of authors and editors considering "The Best Fantasy of the Past Twenty Years." I had to read that about twenty times before I believed it.
The next morning, Kaitlin Heller, my editor at Del Rey, informed me that Karen Miller has also taken a fancy to the book. At this point I started to get light headed. And last but certainly not least, I see that the book's been nominated for the David Gemmell Legend Award. To make it to finalist status, however, the book needs votes, so if you enjoyed Red Wolf, please head on over to the website and cast a ballot. Voting's open to all, and starts the day after Christmas.
Not even the graphite-grey New England skies can get me down at the moment.
Hey, praise where praise is due! :-) It's really funny: I'm trying to organize ARCs from Del Rey for me here in South Africa, Karen Miller is a wonderful person and an awesome writer and we're emailing every week, and I'm a member of the DGLA! :-) Oh, and recently Mr. Jarrold began helping me out witn info to put on my blog. :-) Can't wait to read TRWC, Robert, :-)
ARCs from Del Rey through Kaitlin, forgot that. :-)
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