Friday, October 30, 2009

Rats and the Ruling Sea Now on Sale - and to celebrate, a creepy flash intro...

At very long last--Book II is on sale from all UK sources, bookstores and web-stores alike. And thanks to Zavada design, you can see a weird and halloween-appropriate intro flash at RULINGSEA.COM . Murophobics beware.


ediFanoB said...

Intro flash looks good!

Can we expect a map of the Ruling Sea?

liz ryland said...

Looks great! And I still love that you've included audio. Makes it seem a bit more real. February seems so far away. 'sigh'

Robert V.S. Redick said...

No map of the Ruling Sea (it's uncharted, after all), but there is talk of including the profile sketch of the Chathrand in the paperback edition (in the UK at least). And there may be a place for future land-maps, as well. Much is possible, little decided....