Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Red Wolf Conspiracy Audio Book On Sale

It was a very long time coming. But I knew the wait had been worth it as soon as I heard actor Michael Page's reading of The Red Wolf Conspiracy begin. Mr Page has created an astonishing repertoire of voices for the characters of Alifros--and as an editor who shall remain nameless once observed, my characters (human, nonhuman, semi-human) talk a lot. So as I rush off to Europe, here's a quick toast to the reader. Hard to believe there's only one of him.


Kat Hooper said...

Oh, hooray! Count me in!

Brian and Marci said...

I am a new listener to your book. I am halfway through and it is great. You have a fan in Montana.

Robert said...

Thanks to you both! Happy listening & best wishes from Paris--RVSR