Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Interview on Mira Bartók's Blog

Artist, writer and all-around wonder-worker Mira Bartók has just posted an interview with me on her great blog Mira's List. She gets me talking about the shape of The Chathrand Voyage so far, the writing of The River of Shadows, the value & pitfalls of MFAs, and several other startling matters.

If you're not familiar with Mira's new memoir The Memory Palace, I urge you to check it out. The book is an exquisitely written, loving and creatively imagine account of Mira and her sister's difficult relationship with her troubled but artistically gifted mother, and the complicated turn this takes after Mira herself suffers a brain injury. As the title suggests, the book is also a subtle exploration of memory itself.

And for artists of any sort interested in fellowships or grants, Mira's List is a fantastic resource. 

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