I'm happy to announce that
The Rats and the Ruling Sea has left the editing rooms and is in production in both London and New York. Advance Reading Copies (ARCs) will be available soon from Gollancz in the U.K.. Stay tuned for more information and a firm publication date. I'll also be posting an excerpt or two on
my website as soon as possible.
Dear Janeite,
The reason's very simple: Gollancz (UK) bought the rights first. Indeed, they bought world rights, and negotiated separately with Del Rey for a U.S. deal, a process that took some time.
All Best from New England,
I came across your name from the Terry Brooks website and I am so glad that I did. I've been reading within the sci-fi/fantasy genre since elementary school so I've tackled quite a few authors over the years and I was wondering where I should go next. ;-D
My only complaint is having to wait for the next installments.
Congratulations on your wonderful reviews.
~ liz
Thanks so much, Liz. Yeah, my only complaint is that I'm not done with 'em all. But I'm having the time of my life getting there. Book II will be on sale in the UK October 15th, they're telling me. Hope things are peachy in Pasadena! RVSR.
Really looking forward to the next book. I recently found the first one at a flea market in the south of Sweden... pretty strange place to find it since there are almost no bookstores over here that sells it. Lucky for me though! I wish you the best of luck with future novels and I will spread the word of your great books to as many of my friends I can.
What a cool story, Ola! I'm very happy that you enjoyed Red Wolf, and hope The Rats and the Ruling Sea pleases you just as much.
Thanks for your kind wishes, and do stay in touch--
HI Robert
Hello from New Zealand!
Love the series and cant wait to read the latest. Can you tell me when The Rats and the Ruling Sea will be released in New Zealand?
Hi Robert
I've just devoured "The red Wolf Conspiracy" and loved it. I'm buying "The Rats and the Ruling Sea" online as we speak. Is the third book coming out soon or should I pace myself and ration myself to a page a day? ;)
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