With one month to go before the U.K. publication of The Rats and the Ruling Sea (Book II of The Chathrand Voyage), I'm very pleased today to be posting this first, brief taste of the novel. If you've already read Book I, The Red Wolf Conspiracy, you'll find the subject of these three pages quite familiar. If you haven't read Book I, this prologue will introduce you to the world, the story and the stakes. Here's how it starts:
A cup of milk tainted with blood. Pazel looked down into the steaming chalice and felt trapped, an actor in a part he never wanted, in a play full of violence and rage. They were waiting for him to drink: the priests, the princes, the three hundred guests in the candlelit shrine. His best friends were waiting, and a few men who wished him dead, and one man who wanted everyone dead and just might get his wish...You can view or download the PDF via Google Docs at this link. If you prefer a smaller version without the cover art, click here instead.
He he. That's the idea. ;)
Oooh, biting my nails already.
You know how to bait your readers. But I highly, highly recommend that you read The Red Wolf Conspiracy first. Read my Review: The Red Wolf Conspiracy and you will understand what you will miss.
Hope to receive my reviewer copy soon because I would like to write and post my review before publishing date of The Rats and the Ruling Sea. The more baits the better.
Hi I have read that The Chathrand Voyage series has been expanded to four books. Is this true? Would be cool.
Yes, that’s a fact. There will be four books altogether: October’s THE RATS AND THE RULING SEA will be followed by THE RIVER OF SHADOWS and THE NIGHT OF THE SWARM. The story just grew beyond the bounds of a trilogy. But it WILL end in Book IV. The final chapters are already pretty sharp (but not so sharp that they’ll fail to surprise me!) in my head.
Started reading it, then stopped - I'll read it all when I get my copy in the post :)
Also, four books? Good job they never wrote "trilogy" anywhere on the novels, then :)
Yes, I got lucky with that one. Or maybe publishers are used to writers whose stories grow beyond their original projections. A humbling thought.
Dude, you can't imagine trough what hardships I went to find finally this blog.
First google wasn't able to find your site, then I found something that looked like your site but actually wasn't.
And after a long search in various threads on websites I finally found it.
What is left to say?
I hope I get the second book fast, I'm anxious to read it!
Hopefully I'll understand it too....
my first time reading one of your books in english..
Gotta admit it, the german translation of the The Red Wolf Conspiracy is good, even thoug the title is...well it's different!
best regards from Germany
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