OK, it's still way too cold to do this in Massachusetts, and I'm about 100 miles from the nearest beach, and that's not me. Or my dog. But the feeling's spot on. Sunday night at midnight I finished the first full draft of Book III of The Chathrand Voyage series, THE RIVER OF SHADOWS. The novel weighs in at 185,000 words--halfway between the first and second volumes in length. More importantly, I'm happy with it. I stayed true to the characters, the language, the story, the world. And yet the book whacked me silly with surprise after surprise. That's the greatest joy of the first-draft process for me, though sometimes it's hard to slow down and feel it.
Oh, I'm happy. I wrote 82,000 words in 57 days, through the last two-thirds of a cold New England January and February, and now the sun is out, and I'm permitting myself a morning in a coffee shop before the revisions begin. It feels like being reborn.
A brief digression, now (regular readers will expect no less). Writers, you may have heard, are supposed to be cool. That's horse hockey. Stand-up comics are cool. That's their job. It is not a writer's job. But there's a growing consensus in THE INDUSTRY that a cool persona is the best marketing tool a writer can hone. Without anyone requiring it of us, we writers dance the dance, perform the self, suggest to the world that it find us fascinating. The internet didn't start us playing this game, but it has made it feel almost compulsory.
The trouble with the game is simply stated: it's dishonest. Subtle, stylish dishonesty is still dishonesty. We're supposed to look for emotional truth; we can't do that if we forget how to recognize it in ourselves. My point here is not to condemn the game altogether (entertainment is entertainment, after all) but to note that it has nothing to do with good writing, or goodness at all. Be as cool as you want; to have a hope of mattering, however, you'll have to do more. This is a warning to myself first and foremost. I finished a draft; so what? I'm sculpting a story in a little world called Alifros; so what? Carl Sagan, that prince of squares, may have put it best: "We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers."
And you thought you'd get through this post without a rant.
Congratulations on the milestone! Hope the revisions go as well as could be expected.
Thanks, mystery man! ;)
Glad to read the you finished the first draft and that you are happy with the result. Of course it is still a long way to go but I hope everything will go well.
We have had some days with sunshine in our region (I live in Germany near Frankfurt)but it is getting cold again and we expect again snow in the night from Friday to Saturday.
Hope you find some time to relax a bit.
Congrats, Robert. This is great news, indeed.
Very good hanging out with you the other day. Let's do so again soon!
Thanks so much, David and Michael! David, it was really a treat to hang out with you (even though the guitarist made it hard for me to hear your end of the table). Yes, let's get together soon. Cheers, Rob
P.S., Michael: hold on, spring in coming, never mind the motto of the Starks.
Congratulations Robert on finishing the first full draft. You definitely deserve a coffee break!
And as far as being cool... well, I think the best way of being cool is being oneself, but that's just my opinion. You're writing speaks for itself.
Take care and hopefully it will start to get warmer for you.
~ liz
I hope we may agree that nothing further needs to be said on the matter. By anyone. In any college term papers for sale language. On any planet. Ever. Again.
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